Ghana’s Central Bank Identifies Eight Money Transfer Companies Operating Without Approval

The Bank of Ghana has recently raised concerns about eight money transfer organizations that are allegedly operating in Ghana's remittances and forex market without the central bank's approval. In a notice issued on November 16, the Bank of Ghana (BOG) also cautioned the public and regulated financial institutions against engaging with these eight firms.

Eight Firms Fail to Comply with the Requirements of the Foreign Exchange Act

The Ghanaian central bank has identified eight money transfer organizations (MTOs) that are operating in the country's remittances and forex markets without its approval. According to the notice, the eight MTOs are Lemfi, Wise, Transfer Go, Xoom-A Paypal Service, Sendvalu, Boss Revolution, BTC-AZA Finance, and Supersonicz. The Bank of Ghana emphasized that each of these MTOs is in violation of Section 3.1 of the Foreign Exchange Act, 2006 (Act 723), which states that no person should engage in the business of dealing in foreign exchange without a license issued under this Act.

Furthermore, section 15.3 of the same law specifically states that any movement of foreign exchange to and from Ghana should be done by individuals or entities with the necessary licenses. The central bank also reminded approved MTOs to adhere to the requirements of their respective licenses at all times.

"Approved MTOs are hereby reminded to conduct their foreign exchange flows exclusively through their partner institutions and strictly comply with all operational guidelines," the bank explained.

Ghana's Foreign Exchange Challenges

Ghana, like many other African countries, has been grappling with a shortage of foreign exchange in the official market. This scarcity has not only put pressure on the local currency's exchange rate against the U.S. dollar but has also contributed to inflation. The Ghanaian cedi was ranked as one of the world's worst-performing currencies in 2022.

In response to this situation, Ghanaian monetary authorities have implemented various measures to curb the influence of the forex parallel market on the economy. One of these measures includes suspending the licenses of financial institutions found to be non-compliant with the law.

In its most recent action against non-compliant institutions, the Bank of Ghana announced on November 20 that it had imposed a fine and suspended the forex license of Zeepay Ghana Limited from November 27, 2023, to December 8, 2023.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much of your IRA should include precious metals?

You should remember that precious metals are not only for the wealthy. It doesn't matter how rich you are to invest in precious metals. There are many ways to make money on silver and gold investments without spending too much.

You might consider purchasing physical coins, such as bullion bars and rounds. Shares in precious metals-producing companies could be an option. You might also want to use an IRA rollover program offered through your retirement plan provider.

No matter what your preference, precious metals will still be of benefit to you. They are not stocks but offer long-term growth.

Their prices are more volatile than traditional investments. If you decide to make a sale of your investment in the future, you will likely realize more profit than with traditional investments.

Which precious metals are best to invest in retirement?

Silver and gold are two of the most valuable precious metals. They're both easy to buy and sell and have been around forever. If you want to diversify your portfolio, you should consider adding them to your list.

Gold: One of the oldest forms of currency, gold, is one of mankind's most valuable. It is stable and very secure. It is a good way for wealth preservation during uncertain times.

Silver: Investors have always loved silver. It's an ideal choice for those who prefer to avoid volatility. Silver, unlike gold, tends not to go down but up.

Platinium: Another form of precious metal is platinum, which is becoming more popular. It's like silver or gold in that it is durable and resistant to corrosion. It is, however, more expensive than its competitors.

Rhodium: The catalytic converters use Rhodium. It is also used in jewelry-making. It is also very affordable in comparison to other types.

Palladium: Palladium, which is a form of platinum, is less common than platinum. It's also more accessible. This is why it has become a favourite among investors looking for precious metals.

How does a gold IRA account work?

For people who are looking to invest in precious materials, Gold Ira account accounts provide tax-free investments.

You can purchase physical bullion gold coins at any point in time. You don't have a retirement date to invest in gold.

You can keep gold in an IRA forever. Your gold holdings won't be subject to taxes when you pass away.

Your gold will be passed on to your heirs, without you having to pay capital gains taxes. It is not required that you include your gold in the final estate report because it remains outside your estate.

First, an individual retirement account will be set up to allow you to open a golden IRA. Once you've done so, you'll be given an IRA custodian. This company acts in the role of a middleman between your IRS agent and you.

Your gold IRA custody will take care of the paperwork and send the forms to IRS. This includes filing annual reporting.

After you have created your gold IRA, the only thing you need to do is purchase gold bullion. The minimum deposit is $1,000. The minimum deposit is $1,000. However, you will receive a higher percentage of interest if your deposit is greater.

Taxes will be charged on gold you have withdrawn from an IRA. If you take out the whole amount, you'll be subject to income taxes as well as a 10 percent penalty.

You may not be required to pay taxes if you take out only a small amount. However, there are exceptions. However, there are exceptions. If you take 30% or more of your total IRA asset, you'll owe federal Income Taxes plus a 20% penalty.

You shouldn't take out more then 50% of your total IRA assets annually. You'll be facing severe financial consequences if you do.

What precious metal is best for investing?

This question depends on how risky you are willing to take, and what return you want. Although gold has been considered a safe investment, it is not always the most lucrative. You might not want to invest in gold if you're looking for quick returns. Silver is a better investment if you have patience and the time to do it.

Gold is the best investment if you aren't looking to get rich quick. However, silver might be a better option if you're looking for an investment that provides steady returns over long periods.

How to open a Precious Metal IRA

The first step is to decide if you want an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). To open the account, complete Form 8606. You will then need to complete Form 5204 in order to determine which type IRA you are eligible. This form should be filled within 60 calendar days of opening the account. Once you have completed this form, it is possible to begin investing. You could also opt to make a contribution directly from your paycheck by using payroll deduction.

Complete Form 8903 if your Roth IRA option is chosen. Otherwise, the process is identical to an ordinary IRA.

To qualify for a precious Metals IRA, there are specific requirements. The IRS stipulates that you must have earned income and be at least 18-years old. You can't earn more than $110,000 per annum ($220,000 in married filing jointly) for any given tax year. And, you have to make contributions regularly. These rules are applicable whether you contribute through your employer or directly from the paychecks.

You can use a precious-metals IRA to purchase gold, silver and palladium. However, you can't purchase physical bullion. This means that you will not be allowed to trade shares or bonds.

To invest directly in precious metals companies, you can also use precious metals IRA. This option is available from some IRA providers.

However, investing in precious metals via an IRA has two serious drawbacks. First, they are not as liquid or as easy to sell as stocks and bonds. This makes them harder to sell when needed. Second, they don't generate dividends like stocks and bonds. Also, they don't generate dividends like stocks and bonds. You will eventually lose money rather than make it.

Can I keep physical gold in an IRA?

Not only is gold paper currency, but it's also money. It's an asset that people have used for thousands of years as a store of value, a way to keep wealth safe from inflation and economic uncertainty. Today, investors invest in gold as part a diversified portfolio. This is because gold tends do better in financial turmoil.

Many Americans now invest in precious metals. Although owning gold does not guarantee that you will make money investing in it, there are many reasons to consider adding gold into your retirement portfolio.

One reason is that gold historically performs better than other assets during financial panics. Gold prices rose nearly 100 percent between August 2011 and early 2013, while the S&P 500 fell 21 percent over the same period. During turbulent market conditions gold was one of few assets that outperformed stock prices.

One of the best things about investing in gold is its virtually zero counterparty risk. Even if your stock portfolio is down, your shares are still yours. Gold can be worth more than its investment in a company that defaults on its obligations.

Gold provides liquidity. This allows you to sell your gold whenever you want, unlike many other investments. It makes sense to buy small quantities of gold, as it is more liquid than other investments. This allows for you to benefit from the short-term fluctuations of the gold market.

Who owns the gold in a Gold IRA?

The IRS considers anyone who owns gold to be “a form money” and therefore subject to taxation.

You must have gold at least $10,000 and it must be stored for at the least five years in order to take advantage of this tax-free status.

While gold may be a great investment to help prevent inflation and volatility in the market, it's not wise to keep it if you won't use it.

You will need to declare the value of gold if you intend on selling it one day. This could impact how capital gains taxes you owe for cash investments.

You should consult a financial planner or accountant to see what options are available to you.


  • You can only purchase gold bars at least 99.5% purity. (
  • Gold is considered a collectible, and profits from a sale are taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. (
  • If you take distributions before hitting 59.5, you'll owe a 10% penalty on the amount withdrawn. (
  • The price of gold jumped 131 percent from late 2007 to September 2011, when it hit a high of $1,921 an ounce, according to the World Gold Council. (
  • Indeed, several financial advisers interviewed for this article suggest you invest 5 to 15 percent of your portfolio in gold, just in case. (

External Links

How To

3 Ways to Invest Gold for Retirement

It is crucial to understand how you can incorporate gold into your retirement plans. There are many ways to invest in gold if you have a 401k account at work. You might also consider investing in gold outside your workplace. One example is opening a custodial accounts at Fidelity Investments if an IRA (Individual Retirement Account), if you already own one. You may also want to purchase precious metals from a reputable dealer if you don’t already have them.

These are the three rules to follow if you decide to invest in gold.

  1. Buy Gold with Your Cash – Don't use credit cards or borrow money to fund your investments. Instead, deposit cash into your accounts. This will help you to protect yourself against inflation while also preserving your purchasing power.
  2. Physical Gold Coins – Physical gold coins are better than a paper certificate. Physical gold coins are easier to sell than certificates. Also, there are no storage fees associated with physical gold coins.
  3. Diversify your Portfolio. By investing in multiple assets, you can spread your wealth. This helps to reduce risk and provides more flexibility when markets are volatile.

By: Terence Zimwara
Title: Ghana’s Central Bank Identifies Eight Money Transfer Companies Operating Without Approval
Sourced From:
Published Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 07:00:39 +0000

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