Why I Left My High Paying Engineering Job In Corporate America For Bitcoin

You will be suppressed by the traditional American path. Bitcoin frees you.

This opinion editorial is by Eric Podwojski (Account Manager at Bitcoin Magazine).


December 2019, I was in my manager's offices, getting ready for a discussion about a possible promotion or year-end bonus. My first job outside of school, which was nearly two years old, was my highest-paying one. I was a civil engineer, designing gas pipelines in the area of Washington, D.C.

My manager was a respected professional engineer with over 15 years experience. At the start of the meeting, he handed me a piece of yellow paper that read "8.2% + 500 + Senior Design Engineer." This was my reward for nearly two years of hardwork and dedication to this engineering company. I wanted to scream at him but instead calmly explained how a typical promotion salary increase is 10-20% and inflation runs at least 2.2% per year. The bonus is appreciated, but not significant. He replied "meh" and I left that meeting realizing that the system I had incorporated into my life was meant to keep me down. I was determined to change this.

My Background

Before I discuss Bitcoin and how it can change the world I find myself in, I will share with you my childhood experiences in the system.

I was raised in suburban, predominantly white, upper-class neighborhood. My parents were supportive and always available to me, allowing me to travel to sporting events with them. They also gave me everything I needed. I graduated in the top 10% of my class from one of the most prestigious public schools in the state. I was treated very well by the system in which I grew up. I didn't think about the negatives. I was accepted to Penn State University, where I chose engineering as my major.

From 2014-2018, my hard work culminated in a bachelor's degree in energy engineering. I was also a member of a fraternity, and partyed all night. I joined several clubs, including the Blockchain Club. This was the motivation that compelled me to purchase bitcoin for the first-time. Because it treated me so well, I followed the system's path.

After graduating from school in 2018, I was offered a position as a design engineer at an engineering company. I have never seen such a high pay before. I was thrilled! As I got older, I started to think about where this job would take my. The company made it very clear how the career progression would work. Every 2 years, you would be promoted and receive a salary increase with the hope of moving up the corporate ladder to a VP position 20+ years later. Although this sounds great in theory it is not the case. I learned from an engineering mentor that once engineers start making too much money, companies will usually lay them off and hire a younger, cheaper engineer. This thought struck me as I was sitting in my first promotion meeting. I realized that the system I was involved in wasn't in my best interests.

Breaking Free

In 2020, I started self-educating myself in personal finance. The CPI inflation reported is not always accurate. In fact, true inflation was likely higher after the U.S. government started flooding the monetary system trillions of dollars to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. I discovered that inflation would always be a problem, no matter how good my engineering job was. I could live a life of collecting titles, but not getting the money to live a significantly better life.

Now, it is 2021 and the Bitcoin price has started rising from a bear market. Since 2017, I had invested in Bitcoin, so I had a good sized stack. My net worth was increasing in dollars so I went snowboarding to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. I was able to clear my mind about my professional career after spending a week in nature. After that trip, I was able to immediately return to my engineering job.

I was in a constant state of action and focus so I fully immersed myself in Bitcoin, with the intent of changing my career path to this exciting industry. Although I was already familiar with the basics of Bitcoin and economics, I delved deeper into the rabbit hole. To clarify my understanding, I shared my knowledge with others and made connections with anyone in the Bitcoin community. I was eventually accepted by a few Bitcoin companies, and I was offered a position on the Business Team at Bitcoin Magazine.

How to Break Free

It was the best decision of my life to get out of the system I had been a part of all my life. Here's how I did it and a guide for you.

Step 1. I had plenty of savings.

First, you need to know how much your monthly expenses are. If you don't have an income, then save enough money or bitcoin to last at least 6 months. My personal savings gave me security for 12 months.

Step 2. Step 2.

After you have saved enough, it is time to decide when to quit your job. While you work your fiat job, you can also work on Bitcoin projects. While you are working in your fiat job, you can apply for jobs at Bitcoin companies. It was easier for me to dive in and get involved with Bitcoin without having to quit my job.

Step 3. Step 3.

The Bitcoin protocol's pillar is proof-of work. You must prove that you are worthy to be hired if you want to work in a Bitcoin company with other brilliant Bitcoiners. Proof-of-work is a way to demonstrate your knowledge of code. You can start a podcast, newsletter, or Youtube show about Bitcoin. Do something to earn Bitcoin.

Step 4. Step 4.

Do something for your own network while you're proving your worth to the Bitcoin network. Use Telegram group chats or Bitcoin Twitter to get involved. Attend in-person meetups and conferences like the Bitcoin Conference. Send thoughtful DMs to other Bitcoiners Volunteer your time to help others. If you're genuine, I found that Bitcoiners are willing to help others.

Step 5. I Applied To Bitcoin Magazine.

There are many job boards that specialize in hiring Bitcoin talent. Keep an eye out for job boards that are dedicated to hiring Bitcoin talent. Apply for any position that interests you. You don't have to be a perfect fit. You can move around within the company or use it as an entry point for a new job. BitcoinerJobs.com is a great place to find open positions at top Bitcoin companies.

Step 6. Step 6. I remained in constant contact with hiring managers.

After you have applied for a job, connect with hiring managers on social media to reach out. Your resume will be at the top of the pile if you start a conversation. Here's an example of my conversation with CK, general manager at Bitcoin Magazine. Notice that I had a previous relationship with CK, so he knew that I was worthy of being recommended.


I hope you found this article helpful in exposing the system that you live in. It also showed me how there are ways to get out of it. Bitcoin Magazine will continue to be my platform for building Bitcoin education content and a personal Bitcoin magazine. This is your chance to get out of the system and work in an exciting, fulfilling industry. If you take action now, your life could be dramatically different!

Eric Podwojski contributed this guest post. These opinions are not necessarily those of BTC Inc.

By: Eric Podwojski
Title: Why I Left My High Paying Engineering Job In Corporate America For Bitcoin
Sourced From: bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/why-i-left-my-job-for-bitcoin
Published Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2022 22:45:00 GMT

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