Jim Cramer Doubles Down on Bearish Bitcoin Price Outlook

Jim Cramer Expects Further Bitcoin Price Drop

Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC's Mad Money show, has reiterated his bearish outlook on the price of bitcoin, predicting that the cryptocurrency will continue to struggle amidst a declining crypto market. Cramer, a former hedge fund manager and co-founder of financial news website Thestreet.com, took to social media platform X to share his thoughts on the matter.

On Tuesday, Cramer expressed his expectation for a strong recovery after bitcoin's price fell below $39,000. However, he emphasized that it is unlikely to hold due to insufficient capital inflow. In a recent tweet, he stated, "Now that bitcoin's down about 20% from its high, I expect a strong stand to be made but it won't hold because not enough money is coming in. New theme: Number Go Down."

This marks a continuation of Cramer's bearish sentiment, as he had previously referred to the recent price drop as a "nasty beginning" to a significant downward spiral. In fact, some users on X criticized Cramer's historically inaccurate bitcoin price predictions. They pointed out the reverse Cramer effect, suggesting that his bearish stance may actually indicate a bullish market for bitcoin.

Cramer has been vocal about his views on the price of bitcoin following the approval of spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on January 10. The anticipation of this approval had initially driven the price of bitcoin above $47,000, but it experienced a sharp decline after the announcement.

Despite his cautionary stance on the falling price of bitcoin, Cramer clarified that he is not vehemently opposed to spot bitcoin ETFs. He acknowledged that bitcoin has been around for 15 years and is a well-established asset. However, he also emphasized the importance of thorough research for those looking to speculate in this market.

In conclusion, Jim Cramer remains pessimistic about the future of bitcoin's price. While some criticize his predictions, others see his bearish outlook as an indication that the cryptocurrency has reached its bottom. As the crypto market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how Cramer's perspective aligns with market trends.

What are your thoughts on Jim Cramer's bitcoin price outlook? Let us know in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does gold do as an investment?

The price of gold fluctuates based on supply and demand. It is also affected by interest rates.

Due to the limited supply of gold, prices for gold are highly volatile. There is also a risk in owning gold, as you must store it somewhere.

Should You Buy Gold?

Gold was a safe investment option for those who were in financial turmoil. However, today many people are turning away from traditional investments such as stocks and bonds and instead looking toward precious metals such as gold.

Although gold prices have shown an upward trend in recent years, they are still relatively low when compared to other commodities like oil and silver.

Experts believe this could change soon. They believe gold prices could increase dramatically if there is another global financial crises.

They also noted that gold is growing in popularity because of its perceived value as well as potential return.

These are some important things to remember if your goal is to invest in gold.

  • The first thing to do is assess whether you actually need the money you're putting aside for retirement. You can save money for retirement even if you don't invest in gold. However, you can still save for retirement without putting your savings into gold.
  • Second, be sure to understand your obligations before you purchase gold. Each account offers different levels of security and flexibility.
  • Don't forget that gold does not offer the same safety level as a bank accounts. Losing your gold coins could result in you never being able to retrieve them.

So, if you're thinking about buying gold, make sure you do your research first. Make sure to protect any gold you already own.

How to Open a Precious Metal IRA?

The first step in opening an Individual Retirement Account, (IRA), is to decide if it's something you want. Open the account by filling out Form 8606. For you to determine the type and eligibility for which IRA, you need Form 5204. This form should be filled within 60 calendar days of opening the account. Once you have completed this form, it is possible to begin investing. You can also choose to pay your salary directly by making a payroll deduction.

Complete Form 8903 if your Roth IRA option is chosen. Otherwise, it will be the same process as an ordinary IRA.

To be eligible for a precious metals IRA, you will need to meet certain requirements. The IRS states that you must be at least 18 and have earned income. You can't earn more than $110,000 per annum ($220,000 in married filing jointly) for any given tax year. And, you have to make contributions regularly. These rules apply regardless of whether you are contributing directly to your paychecks or through your employer.

You can use a precious-metals IRA to purchase gold, silver and palladium. However, physical bullion will not be available for purchase. This means you can't trade shares of stock and bonds.

You can also use your precious metallics IRA to invest in companies that deal with precious metals. This option can be provided by some IRA companies.

An IRA is a great way to invest in precious metals. However, there are two important drawbacks. First, they aren't as liquid than stocks and bonds. This makes them harder to sell when needed. They don't yield dividends like bonds and stocks. You'll lose your money over time, rather than making it.

Can I have physical gold in my IRA

Not only is gold paper currency, but it's also money. People have used gold as a currency for thousands of centuries to preserve their wealth and keep it safe from inflation. Today, investors invest in gold as part a diversified portfolio. This is because gold tends do better in financial turmoil.

Many Americans today prefer to invest in precious metals, such as silver and gold, over stocks and bonds. Even though owning gold is not a guarantee of making money, there are many reasons why you might want to add gold to your retirement savings portfolio.

One reason is that gold has historically performed better than other assets during periods of financial panic. Between August 2011 to early 2013, gold prices rose close to 100 percent while the S&P 500 fell 21 per cent. Gold was one of the few assets that performed better than stocks during turbulent market conditions.

Gold is one of the few assets that has virtually no counterparty risks. If your stock portfolio goes down, you still own your shares. If you have gold, it will still be worth your shares even if the company in which you invested defaults on its debt.

Gold provides liquidity. This allows you to sell your gold whenever you want, unlike many other investments. Gold is liquid and therefore it makes sense to purchase small amounts. This allows one to take advantage short-term fluctuations within the gold price.

What is the tax on gold in Roth IRAs?

An investment account's tax is calculated based on the current value of the account, and not on what you paid originally. So if you invest $1,000 in a mutual fund or stock and then sell it later, any gains are subject to taxes.

If you place the money in a traditional IRA, 401(k), or other retirement plan, there is no tax when you take it out. Only earnings from capital gains and dividends are subject to tax. These taxes do not apply to investments that have been held for more than one year.

These rules vary from one state to another. Maryland's rules require that withdrawals be taken within 60 days after you turn 59 1/2. Massachusetts allows you to delay withdrawals until April 1. New York is open until 70 1/2. To avoid penalties, you should plan ahead and take distributions as soon as possible.

What are the pros & con's of a golden IRA?

An Individual Retirement Plan (IRA) has a major advantage over regular savings accounts. It doesn't tax any interest earned. This makes an IRA a great choice for people who are looking to save money but don’t want to pay any tax on the interest earned. However, there are also disadvantages to this type of investment.

If you withdraw too many funds from your IRA at once, you may lose all your accumulated assets. The IRS may prevent you from taking out your IRA funds until you reach 59 1/2. A penalty fee will be charged if you decide to withdraw funds.

A disadvantage to managing your IRA is the fact that fees must be paid. Many banks charge between 0.5%-2.0% per year. Other providers charge monthly management fees ranging from $10 to $50.

Insurance will be required if you would like to keep your cash out of banks. A majority of insurance companies require that you possess a minimum amount gold to be eligible for a claim. Insurance that covers losses upto $500,000.

If you choose to have a gold IRA you will need to establish how much gold to use. Some providers limit the number of ounces of gold that you can own. Others let you choose your weight.

You will also have to decide whether to purchase futures or physical gold. Gold futures contracts are more expensive than physical gold. Futures contracts offer flexibility for buying gold. You can set up futures contracts with a fixed expiration date.

You also need to decide the type and level of insurance coverage you want. The standard policy doesn’t provide theft protection or loss due fire, flood, or earthquake. It does provide coverage for damage from natural disasters, however. You might consider purchasing additional coverage if your area is at high risk.

Apart from insurance, you should consider the costs of storing your precious metals. Insurance won't cover storage costs. In addition, most banks charge around $25-$40 per month for safekeeping.

Before you can open a gold IRA you need to contact a qualified Custodian. A custodian keeps track of your investments and ensures that you comply with federal regulations. Custodians can't sell assets. Instead, they must hold them as long as you request.

After you have decided on the type of IRA that best suits you, you will need to complete paperwork detailing your goals. You should also include information about your desired investments, such as stocks or bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and mutual funds. You should also specify how much you want to invest each month.

You will need to fill out the forms and send them to your chosen provider together with a check for small deposits. The company will review your application and send you a confirmation letter.

When opening a gold IRA, you should consider using a financial planner. A financial planner is an expert in investing and can help you choose the right type of IRA for you. They can also help you lower your expenses by finding cheaper alternatives to purchasing insurance.

What are the advantages of a gold IRA

The best way to invest money for retirement is by putting it into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). It will be tax-deferred up until the time you withdraw it. You are in complete control of how much you take out each fiscal year. There are many types to choose from when it comes to IRAs. Some are more suitable for students who wish to save money for college. Some are for investors who seek higher returns. Roth IRAs let individuals contribute after age 591/2 and pay tax on any earnings at retirement. However, once they begin withdrawing funds, these earnings are not taxed again. This account is a good option if you plan to retire early.

The gold IRA allows you to invest in different asset classes, which is similar to other IRAs. Unlike a regular IRA you don't need to worry about taxes while you wait for your gains to be available. This makes gold IRA accounts excellent options for people who prefer to keep their money invested instead of spending it.

An additional benefit to owning gold through an IRA, is the ease of automatic withdrawals. You won't have the hassle of making deposits each month. To ensure that you never miss a payment, you could set up direct debits.

Finally, gold is one of the safest investment choices available today. Because it isn't tied to any particular country its value tends be steady. Even during economic turmoil the gold price tends to remain fairly stable. It is therefore a great choice for protecting your savings against inflation.


  • (Basically, if your GDP grows by 2%, you need miners to dig 2% more gold out of the ground every year to keep prices steady.) (smartasset.com)
  • The price of gold jumped 131 percent from late 2007 to September 2011, when it hit a high of $1,921 an ounce, according to the World Gold Council. (aarp.org)
  • Gold is considered a collectible, and profits from a sale are taxed at a maximum rate of 28 percent. (aarp.org)
  • This is a 15% margin that has shown no stable direction of growth but fluctuates seemingly at random. (smartasset.com)
  • Indeed, several financial advisers interviewed for this article suggest you invest 5 to 15 percent of your portfolio in gold, just in case. (aarp.org)

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How To

Three ways to invest in gold for retirement

It's essential to understand how gold fits into your retirement plan. You have many options for investing in gold if there is a 401K account at your workplace. You may also be interested in investing in gold beyond your workplace. A custodial account can be opened by a brokerage firm like Fidelity Investments if you already have an IRA. You might also consider purchasing precious metals directly from a trusted dealer if they are not already yours.

These are three simple rules to help you make an investment in gold.

  1. Buy Gold with Cash – Avoid using credit cards or borrowing money to fund investments. Instead, instead, transfer cash to your accounts. This will protect your against inflation and increase your purchasing power.
  2. Physical Gold Coins – Physical gold coins are better than a paper certificate. The reason is that it's much easier to sell physical gold coins than certificates. Also, there are no storage fees associated with physical gold coins.
  3. Diversify your Portfolio – Don't put all your eggs in one basket. By investing in multiple assets, you can spread your wealth. This can reduce market volatility and help you be more flexible.

By: Kevin Helms
Title: Jim Cramer Doubles Down on Bearish Bitcoin Price Outlook
Sourced From: news.bitcoin.com/mad-money-host-jim-cramer-doubts-bitcoin-will-find-its-footing-as-selloff-continues/
Published Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:30:44 +0000

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